At First 4 Numbers we know waiting for your delivery can be an inconvenience, so we've listed all of our services below for you to take a look at.
Here you can find all the information you need, including delivery times, couriers, whether or not you'll need to be in to sign for your delivery, and how to track your parcels.
Option | Service | Time | Weight | Sign* | Del to Extended Areas | Tracked | Price |
Royal Mail 48 | 1-5 Working Days | 7.30am - 6pm (mon - sat) | up to 250g | No | Yes | No | £1.95 |
Royal Mail 48 | 1-5 Working Days | 7.30am - 6pm (mon - sat) | up to 2Kg | No | Yes | No | £3.85 |
Economy Service | 2-3 Working Days | 8am - 6pm (mon - sat) | up to 5Kg | Yes | Yes | Yes | £5.95 |
Economy Service | Next Day 1pm | 7.30am - 6pm (mon - sat) | 5Kg to 20Kg | Yes | Yes | Yes | £6.45 |
Next Working Day | Next Working Day | 8am - 6pm (mon - fri) | up to 5kg | Yes | No | Yes | £6.45 |
Next Working Day | Next Working Day | 8am - 6pm (mon - fri) | 5kg to 30Kg | Yes | no | Yes | £7.25 |
Scottish Highlands | 2-4 Working Days | 8am - 6pm (mon - fri) | up to 30kg | Yes | Yes | Yes | £14.95 |
Scottish Islands | 2-4 Working Day | 8am - 6pm (mon - fri) | up to 30Kg | Yes | Yes | Yes | £17.95 |
Northern Ireland | 2 Working Days | 8am - 6pm (mon-fri) | up to 30Kg | Yes | No | Yes | £14.50 |
Southern Ireland | 2-3 Working Days | 8am - 6pm (mon-fri) | up to 30Kg | Yes | No | Yes | £22.95 |
Channel Islands | 2-4 Working Days | 8am - 6pm (mon-fri) | up to 30Kg | Yes | No | Yes | £9.45 |
* All of our tracked services require a signature in order for the goods to be delivered, however we know not everyone has the time to wait around for their parcel.
If you know you are not available to sign for your delivery, you can request the parcel to be delivered to a neighbour, or to be left at the address in a porch or other location.
However, please note that it is up to the drivers discretion if they choose to leave the parcel at the address without a signature. If they deem the requested location to not be secure enough, or if the parcel is too large, then the driver may decide not to leave the parcel. In this case, the parcel will be taken back to your local depot where you can collect your parcel, or the driver will attempt a delivery the following day.